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How to get rid of double chin?
Double - chin is a seemingly harmless, but still so troublesome and unpleasant problem that worries countless people around the world. Here are some tips on how to get rid of the double chin and make your look more attractive.
Why does double chin appear? Occasionally, anatomical peculiarities can be attributed to the emergence of a double chin, but the double chin usually appears for two other reasons. The first cause of double chin is due to fat deposits under the lower jaw and usually occurs when a person regularly takes more calories than consumes and fats start accumulating in all possible places, including the face and neck. The face becomes more and more rounded, and after some time a double chin may appear.
The other cause of the double chin is the loss of elasticity of the skin and the loss of skin. With aging, the skin on the neck and face loses its elasticity, and the skin underneath the neck can hang and create a double chin. The same can happen when you lose weight fast when the fat is lost, but the skin has not yet reached the point.
How to get rid of double chin in case of overweight? In this case, the only solution is to lose weight. The good news is that fat from the face disappears faster than other parts of the body. In addition, you won't even have to do anything superhuman. Below is a small list of measures that will reduce weight and thus get rid of double chin. Start Counting Calories - Calculate your optimal calorie intake and reduce it by 25%. There is a bit of caution and no need to reduce the optimum calorie amount here, if you do heavy physical work, practice sports, or if you are in a state of health. More protein? Include more protein in your diet. Every body kilogram should take 1.2 to 1.6 grams of protein. Eat more chicken, fish, seafood, beans, eggs, cottage cheese, and drink milk. Review your menu! Replace sugar and confectionery with fruits, vegetables and whole grain products. To lose weight you need physical activity and therefore try to walk more, choose the stairs instead of the elevator and try to move as much as possible. Regular Training - For faster weight loss, you should do sports at least four times a week with moderate intensity. How To Quickly Lose Weight? How do I get rid of a double chin if it is caused by hanging skin? In this case, five simple exercises that will strengthen the neck and lower jaw muscles and slightly stretch the chin can help. Exercises should be done daily.
Before starting to sit down, straighten your back and release your shoulders. Try to breathe through your nose and do not hold your breath.
Here are the exercises that will help you get rid of the double chin: Stay back so that the chin is facing the ceiling. Press the tongue at the palate and stay in this position for 5-10 seconds. Then you return to the starting position, get rid of it and take some breathing and breathing. Repeat this exercise 5 times. Lift the chin and push it forward. Stay in this position for 10 seconds, then relax and exercise twice more. Lift your head up and to the right, then move the chin forward and stay in this position for 5 seconds. Lower your head, take a few breaths and breaths and do the same exercise just turn your head to the left this time. Exercise should be done three times on each side. Support the chin on the fists, while tightening the chin muscles (just the chin, but not the neck) press the chin on your hands and then relax. Exercise should be repeated 25 times. Stretch your tongue and try to reach the nose with it. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
If nothing else, the double chin can be removed by plastic surgery. In this case, you have to take into account additional expenses, be of suitable age and also your health condition must meet certain requirements.
Chin (Mentoplasty)
Age wrinkles are not always the primary cause of complexity. Other causes may also be a reason to turn to a surgeon - congenital or traumatic lower area deformities. Mentoplasty is the correction of chin shape and contour, restoration and improvement of cheekbones, natural face shapes and lines, creation of harmony of chin to other parts of the face. Thanks to state-of-the-art technology and high-quality implants, you have the ability to change the shape of the chin, stretch the oval of the face, and get an expressive profile.
Who are you worried about?
Along with age, fat has accumulated in the area of the chin that has stretched the skin and created a fold of skin. Insufficiently developed and inclined chin. Congenital chin deformation. Heavy, protruding, disproportionate chin.
At what age to do the surgery?
Not earlier than 18 years in the case of aesthetic defects in the chin area. It is recommended to perform chin correction from the moment of complete body bone formation, i. aged 23-25. If you have a noticeable change in age in this area (non-blurred outline, fluffy skin, and double chin), you can recommend this surgery from the age of 30. Motivation is self-awareness and self-perception.
Serious cardiovascular diseases, infectious diseases, uncontrolled high arterial pressure, oncological diseases, coagulation disorders, diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, complete loss of skin elasticity, serious lesions in the chin area and the lower third of the face.
Duration depends on the amount of surgical manipulation (from half an hour to two hours). Divides two types of mentoplastics - reducing and increasing. Both are done to change the shape of the chin, not the size, so the result depends largely on the skill of the surgeon. Two types of operation access are used: the external (through the fold of the skin under the chin) and the inner (through the chin of the lining of the lips under the chin). Internal access does not leave external skin changes.
Double chin correction
Possible in outpatient mode. The deformed neck muscle is tightened using the liposculpture and skin microscopy method - a 30-minute operation that the patient goes home after a few hours. At a younger age, when the problem of the decayed chin is associated with local fat accumulation, liposuction (elimination of local fat deposits) helps. This operation is an effective method of facial contour correction. If, apart from the excess fat sediment, the patient has seen a stretch of neck superficial muscle and horizontal or vertical neck folds, it is useful to combine the chin liposuction with the so-called platinum plastic. Chin-tightening surgery allows you to remove excess skin and build a new oval face.
Increasing mentoplasty
Usually used in case of directed or small chin. A silicone implant is used that is inserted through the oral mucosa. This operation can be complemented by liposculpture. In this case, the "new" chin is modeled on the patient's own adipose tissue (liposculpture by Lipex method). The surgeon moves them to the chin area that needs to be increased. In the case of a small chin, the lower bone fragment is raised forward or the same contour of the contour is performed with the aim of improving the contour of the face profile (usually performed as a supplement to other surgical manipulations). In order to give the face more expressiveness, mentoplasty can be combined with implantation of cheekbones to increase these areas.
Reducing mentoplasty
A massive lower jaw adorns a man, but for a woman it can become a complex cause. Reducing mentoplasty is based on the so-called bone plastic transformation method. Before orthopedic surgery, an orthopedic panorama X-ray should be performed. Based on its data, the surgeon determines the possible limits. Resection (partial bone removal) or splitting (partitioning) is performed to redirect the lower bone fragment back and fix it. Operation duration 1.5-2 hours. Thanks to modern technologies, high quality implants and prolonged-release injections, there are methods for achieving a safe optimum correction.
Anesthesia - General combined.
Postoperative period
In-patient - 2-3 hours or 24 hours (depending on the type of surgery). In the first hours - peace, cold compress in the area of infestation. When the implant is inserted, a locking bandage is applied. After magnifying plastic, discomfort may occur for 3 to 6 days, with minor pain for 5-7 days. Initial edema decreases after 10-12 days (cold compresses recommended). Returning to work can take a week. After 1 to 3 months, the swelling will completely disappear, you will be able to evaluate the result of the operation: the contours of the harmonious profile, the perfect chin. For chin reduction, the recovery period is about 2 weeks. During the first month after the operation, physical activity should be limited.
Difficulties and risks - As with any surgery, bruising may occur, hematoma may occur (blood in the cavity of surgery).
Price for operations:
Face Plastic USD 3600
Neck plastic USD 3100
Face and Eyelid Plastic USD 4600
Face-Neck-Eyelid-Forehead Plastic USD 5530
Face plastic with regenerative cells USD 5600
Top or Bottom Eyelids USD 850
Top and Bottom Eyelids USD 1500
Upper and lower eyelids plastic + sedation USD 1800
Chin shape correction with implant USD 1800
Nose Shape Adjustments I USD 2600
Nose Shape Adjustments II USD 3100
Nose Shape Adjustments III USD 3650
Ear shape correction for children USD 570
Ear shape correction for adults USD 1150
We do double chin smaler!
It is not possible to disguise the nude leather bag in the shower. The scarf and massive beads accentuate it even more, but the collar that is nailed to the nose is not the solution. But there are plenty of effective ways to get rid of the second chin.
Double chin often occurs due to overweight. The stern muscles and skin are unable to hold the accumulated fat layer, so they stretch down and hang. The cause may be hormonal changes due to aging, as it affects the muscle tissue and the skin loses its elasticity. However, the fat pad is also a young and slim woman. Often the cause is a small lower jaw.
The formation of a double chin is facilitated by an incorrect posture or work posture, when the head is constantly bent down. The lumbar muscles are not loaded, so they gradually lose their tone and become sluggish. Chin and neck line should be straight, explained cosmetician Eric Zirne. The habit of sleeping on a high cushion or reading a book in a supine position also has a negative effect. If you want to read before sleep, you have to do it by taking care of your back.
Beauty salons offer a variety of treatments to remove the unattractive bag. Often, myostimulation is used to help strengthen muscles, reduce fat and restore skin elasticity.
The electrodes are attached to the problematic area and the muscles of the muscles are trained under the influence of current impulses - actively shrink and relax. The procedure improves blood circulation by promoting the supply of tissues with nutrients and the removal of broken fat from the body.
Mesotherapy is a very effective method of using a syringe with a fine needle to subcutaneously inject a cocktail of fatty tissue-breaking substances into the skin.
The salvage can be a vacuum massage with special equipment. Knead the mass of greasy consistency, which slides a small glass-like nozzle. It gently pulls the skin and the layers around it. The treated area becomes pink, which indicates the flow of blood and nutrients. Bruising does not occur because the device allows precise adjustment of the negative pressure force inside the punch. The procedure helps to improve the firmness of the skin and helps to break down the fat in deeper layers.
But once you visit a cosmetic cabinet, you won't get rid of a double chin. At least ten course courses are required.
Various solutions are offered by plastic surgery. Most often, the double chin is removed using liposuction or liposuction in conjunction with skin tightening. If nature is endowed with a small, unspeakable lower jaw, a serious surgery is possible - a surgical correction of the chin shape by inserting implants.
But often the coarse skin fold disappears by itself, getting rid of excess weight in kilograms.
The second chin is also helped by regular exercise with facial fitness. If there is motivation and even ten free minutes a day, the result will be! It should be noted that the elimination of a double chin may take several months.
Exercises are done at the mirror. Starting position - sitting or standing with straight back and neck. When you do it correctly, you will feel that your muscles are working.
The occurrence of a double chin is not always associated with age or malnutrition. A man can be slim but double chin. Why is it? The skin on the neck is very thin, mostly dry, so it is important to care for it. We remember the face and eyes, but we often forget about the neck and chin.
There are three factors that affect skin aging - the genetic, the environment (what we eat, how much exercise, the weight increases or decreases) and how we keep the neck skin.
The age at which a double chin can develop is varied. It can also be for young girls. High weight fluctuations - plus or minus 15-20 kilograms - affect the formation of a double chin, the skin is no longer toned, so you should avoid rapid weight gain or weight loss.
• Strengthening the neck and chin muscles can be chewed by gum;
• not to sleep on a high pillow, not to read in bed without back support;
• control the weight (mostly after the loss of the double chin does not fall to the satisfactory parameters, because the stretched skin is unable to regain its previous elasticity), furthermore reduce it gradually;
• use the possibilities of body aesthetic procedures, such as vacuum massage, lifting, which strengthens the tissues;
• Apply the cream correctly. It should be remembered that it should be applied not only to the face and eyes, but also to the neck skin;
• apply a mask or nourishing cream to the neck area once or twice a week;
• When working on a computer, you have to rest from time to time and move out and out in the fresh air;
• Make the right menu! (try to avoid overly oily or sharp dishes)
Exercises to reduce double chin:
• Stand and straighten your shoulders. Put a thick book on your head and walk for five minutes in the room. Watch out for your posture, do not butt. If you do this exercise every day, not only get rid of the double chin in a short time, but also get a good posture.
• Stand up, straighten your shoulders and lower your hands along the side. Place your head on your chest and slowly let it rest on your left shoulder, then fold back and turn to the right shoulder to create an imaginary circle. After 10 laps, repeat the exercise in the opposite direction.
• Sit on a chair, straighten your back and try to lower your chin down by supporting it with your hands folded. Slowly lower your hands. This exercise will not only help you to get rid of the double chin, but will also train your neck muscles.
• Repeat vowels "u" and "i" loudly to maximize facial muscles. By training the muscles of the lower part of the face, the elasticity and firmness of the skin are preserved.
• Sit at the mirror, place one hand under the key bone, and hold the other hand at the chin. Repeat the syllable "fi" aloud while tightening the neck muscle to feel tight neck skin. Repeat this exercise at least ten times.
Compresses for collar collars
Contrast shower and compresses will help you with a beautiful face oval. Pour in two bowls of water - one warm, second cold. Add lemon juice to cold water and warm sea or iodine salt. Moisten the towel and alternately press the neck and chin with a warm and cold compress, starting with heat and closing with a cold. With a towel moistened with salt water, a massage can be performed - by firmly sticking the chin at least 10-15 times. This type of procedure should preferably be repeated as often as possible.
Towels can also be done in a procedure that is no less effective. Soak the towel in cold water, gently press the excess water and, when you get the towel at both ends, press it on the chin. Pull the towel with a sharp motion so as to "slip" the chin. Repeat this procedure several times, dry the wet skin and apply a regular cream. This "exercise" can be done both in the evening and in the morning.
It is worth knocking out every day with the upper part of the wrist. This procedure is even more effective when done immediately after washing when the skin is still moist.
If, however, nothing ...
If all these tricks don't help, don't be sad - look for other methods to get rid of the double chin. You may need to contact a specialist who will help you get rid of or reduce the problem. Plastic surgery solves this problem with lipectomy or vacuum suction with a vacuum device. If the fat layer in the subcutaneous tissue is small, surgery can be done in local anesthesia. After the operation, a special pressure bandage is applied to the chin and neck, which should be worn for 2 weeks. All the fats are not removed from the operation, there is a sufficient amount of fat that ensures normal skin nutrition and a natural look.
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